A blog for healing and teaching spiritual growth (Former title: The God In You, The God In Me)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I am a sinless child of God
And I am perfect now.
Repeat this many times a day as a mantra. If you hear a voice in your head denying this, that voice is not you, and it is not God. Therefore, it does not exist, or rather it did not exist until you willed it into being. Although your will created it, you cannot silence this voice by willing it not to be. That would only create conflict and greater disturbance within you. Look deep within yourself until you find the place where it arises. Look deeper still and you will find the buried pain that gives it strength. By understanding this pain, releasing it, and forgiving yourself for any thoughts or deeds that preceded it, you will deny it the force that it needs in order to exist. You will cease to intend to suffer that pain and endure that voice, and they will be no more.
Joy and Truth
The Teacher replied, "Compassion does not require that you take another's suffering unto yourself, for doing so does not relieve the other's pain, and simply increases the amount of pain in the Universe. Compassion consists entirely of recognizing and strengthening the connection between souls, and between each individual soul and Spirit. Those connections spontaneously create joy, or rather allow the joy that is always present in Spirit to suffuse throughout the network of souls."
"Therefore, in meditation, do not seek to take over another's pain, but to convey your joy to that other. Recall that pain is not real, but only the result of separation. This is why spiritual connection seems to create joy and remove pain."
"It is not possible for one person to create joy in isolation; for all joy derives ultimately from connection to Spirit, either in its universal undifferentiated form, or in its manifestation in Nature and in other beings. On the other hand, pain, being created by separation, cannot be shared. A person can make pain for himself, but any other person who accepts that pain as his own does so voluntarily and as a further act of separation."
"So-called selfish pleasures do not add joy, because they create or do not diminish separation. It is possible to experience transitory pleasure at the cost of another's pain, but ultimately the pain returns to its creator and negates the illusion of pleasure. Therefore, seek those pleasures that create joy and do not create pain."
"The love of partnered souls is such a pleasure. So are the joy that comes from acts of charity, and the ecstasy of uniting with Spirit in meditation. All these add to the shared joy of Universal Spirit."
The student then asked, "What if my pleasure makes my neighbor jealous, or angry? Is my pleasure still adding to the amount of joy in the Universe?"
The Teacher answered, "Those whose consciousness is overcome by separation -- by pain -- may indeed create more pain for themselves by failing to acknowledge or partake of their share of the joy that is there for them to experience, including the joy you offer them through your own pleasure. Rather than allowing your happiness to warm their souls, they may seek to freeze it out by deepening the separation between you. This is pain acting to protect itself. But you did not create that pain; on the contrary, you offered your neighbor the gift of your joy."
"If he is so distracted by pain as to refuse the gift, do not respond with resentment and create pain for yourself. Allow the warmth of your soul's joy to continue to shine upon him, and wait patiently for the icy shell to melt. Love the Spirit within, and ignore the illusion that has temporarily encased it. In this way the pain he creates will not pollute the joy that you contribute to the Universe, and will eventually lose the ability to perpetuate itself."
"The source of joy in Spirit is infinite. Joy must ultimately overcome pain, because joy is the truth, while pain is falsehood. Even the soul that is dominated by pain throughout a mortal lifetime must return to the unfettered joy of Spirit when that lifetime ends. Knowing that joy, love and truth are one will allow you to maintain an attitude of compassionate openness towards all other souls, particularly toward those whose sense of separation and need for compassionate connection is greatest."
Ernest Holmes wrote:
"It is only when we have completely forgiven others that we can get a clearance in our minds, for we are judged by the judgment with which we judge. If we criticize, condemn, and censure, these are the attitudes that occupy our thinking, and they will not only reflect themselves outwardly, they will also reflect themselves inwardly."
"If we want a complete clearance of forgiveness, we must give a complete clearance to everyone and everything. Whether we like it or not, this is one of the great truths of life. Not only should we forgive others, but we should equally forgive ourselves and not carry the mistakes of the past into the future."
The phrase, "judge not, lest ye be judged" appears to carry the implication that God reserves the power of judgment unto itself. However, I believe that God does not judge souls, any more than a soul aligned with Spirit judges other souls. I understand the phrase in the context of the power of intention. Judging means to label a thing as immutably "bad". By judging, I allow badness to become a part of my universe. If I create a world in which judging plays a part, then I must expect to be judged by others as much as I judge them. By excluding judgment from my experience and my intention, I can begin to create a non-judgmental universe around me, one that is pervaded only by goodness.
"The most fundamental question we can ever ask ourselves is whether or not the universe we live in is friendly or hostile."
--Albert Einstein
The truth that Einstein did not reveal is that it is our choice.
Compassion For the Uncompassionate
A student came to the Teacher and asked, "How can I feel compassion for evildoers, and those who feel no compassion themselves?"
The Teacher replied, "There is no being that is not capable of compassion, though some appear to have nothing but hatred or lust in their hearts. Even the cruelest tyrant may behave quite differently with those he loves, such as his children. But that is not the reason for your compassion. Cruelty and avarice are signs of separation. Separation is painful, and the soul that has temporarily lost its ability to connect with Spirit is in a state of constant torment. In its suffering it turns upon itself and upon Spirit, as Spirit is manifested in other souls around it. Like an animal caught in a trap, that may chew off its own foot to escape, such a soul may seek even to destroy itself, but generally succeeds only in bringing itself to the point of maximum suffering. In a misguided attempt to lessen its pain, it drives itself even farther into chaos and dis-ease."
"How can you contemplate such agony and not feel compassion? If such a soul in torment is near you, it may try to hurt you. This is the only way it can see, in its blind state, to try to remove the separation and bring you closer to itself. Do not allow ego to make you react out of hurt or vengeance; for then you will be pulled into the trap. It is at such times that your compassion should be felt most strongly, for only with the force of love and compassionate connection can the vicious cycle be broken. Pray for the evildoer, and do not answer evil with more evil. Probe the defenses the misguided being hides behind; if not in this life, then perhaps the next, a crack will be found, the shell will be broken, and the perfect sinless soul within will be released into the light of compassion and love."
The student persisted, "But what of truly monstrous beings, such as Adolf Hitler or Osama Bin Laden? Surely they do not deserve our compassion?"
The Teacher rebuked the student, saying, "You are mistaken if you think compassion is a gift that you bestow upon others. Compassion is your obeisance to God, the recognition of the universal spirit that unites you with the other. If you lack compassion for any child of God you are choosing to separate yourself from God to that extent."
"Even those who seem to have come into this world only to cause pain and destruction are sinless children of God at the core of their being. Encrusted and bound as they are by the scars of past pain, the soul within still glows and yearns to be released. Osama's soul is like a man buried alive; his hatred is like a coffin blocking out all light and even air, and the weight of Separation bears down like tons of earth heaped upon him. Wrapped in ropes of pain, it struggles only to find itself held tighter. It will require much compassion and lovingkindness from others to free that soul from the crushing weight of all the pain its thrashing about has caused. But if Osama and the millions of others like him are ever to be deflected from their destructive course, it will be by the true force of love and compassion, which is Spirit, and not by the false and hollow means of further death and destruction."
"This lesson is of critical importance, and I urge you to include such souls especially in your lovingkindness meditation."
A Meditation For Rough Seas
As pure energy, however, I have the ability to merge synergistically and enthusiastically with the energy of the sea. In meditation, I seek to release all resistance to that energy and to abandon attachment to my rigid material form. I attune myself to the movement of the waves and flow with them, following the course that Spirit has chosen for me, rather than try to fight through on a course of my own choosing.
Like a dolphin riding a powerful ocean current, I add my own energy flow to that of the spiritual sea in which I am immersed. I visualize myself as an aquatic being in harmony with the living energy of the ocean, or sometimes as an aerial creature, soaring and diving in the currents of the atmosphere. When the waves rise, I allow myself to be borne upward, sensing the moment when the wave will carry me to its crest, the resting point where the potential energy is the greatest. Poised at the peak of the wave, I sense the direction of the next trough, and allow myself to begin to slide in that direction. Making the energy of the wave my own, I release the stored potential and accelerate downward, feeling the exhilarating rush of the ocean's power as it propels me smoothly forward, twisting and turning through the lesser transitory currents and eddies that are contained even in this powerful mountain of water.
As the speed of our descent diminishes, I feel the ocean gathering strength again to bear me skyward on another magnificent swell. Propelled and guided by enormous forces, I am yet powerful and free, for I am one with the Spirit that informs everything in the Universe, manifesting as wave and ocean, wind and sky, animate and inanimate, and all beings including myself. The forces of Nature are my forces, and I am theirs; knowing this allows me to exist in harmony with them. I am secure in the awareness that Spirit holds only love and that love is accessible to me at every time and in every place.
And so it is.
These are false beliefs. At every moment, at every age, I did the best that I could at that time. No doubt I made mistakes, but every soul makes mistakes. I have caused pain, but I swear I never acted with the purpose to do so. I have caused disappointments, but it was not I who created the expectations that were not met. I have not achieved financial security, but that has never been my goal.
If I regret anything, it is that I lived fifty years and more out of touch with Life. Spirit was at hand all those years, and I turned away from it. Yet this too must have been because this is now the right time for me to make my peace with the Universe and to join the chorus of souls. What would have happened if I had turned this way rather than that at any given point in my journey is irrelevant, for Spirit guided me otherwise.
How many blessings have been bestowed on me in those years? It is impossible to count. Six children, academic honors, professional respect, experience in many places and cultures, the joy of music, millions of smiles exchanged, and a love to last forever -- these are things that Spirit has brought me. And as I write these words, love and peace fill my heart as I experience the sense of unity with all creation that waited for me to welcome it into my life.
And so I affirm that I am not the past, but the Now of limitless possibility. This is not the possibility of an uncertain future, but the blooming and unfolding of the eternal present. Within me and around me, the Universe reveals itself in ever greater detail and manifests beauty that I need only observe to appreciate. My heart fills to bursting with amazement and gratitude, as I am warmed by the Source of all warmth.
And so it is.
We the survivors -- not yet face to face with the reality of our own transition -- think of the next life as a misty shadow of this one. We fret that those who make transition will be deprived of the things and the souls that they are leaving, and will find on the other side only the ghostly remnants of those who have gone before them.
I suspect that such pity is misplaced. I would go so far as to say that those who have gone before us must pity our narrow vision of what lies ahead (or, indeed, exists just beyond our perception).
I believe that the truth awaiting us all is that it is this world that is a shadow, this existence that is an illusion. It is said we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We will undoubtedly return from this experience enriched -- why else would we have sought it? But I believe we will also be grateful to have shed the shackles of our bodies, the limits of our senses and our three dimensions, and the phantom demon of earthly time.
Only the mind fears death. The mind and its co-dependent, the body, are unable to imagine an existence beyond this material universe. The mind fears extinction; and yet, as it is only a construct of the body, it is already unreality founded upon unreality. The spirit must welcome the passing of the mind and body, for they stand between spirit and genuine awareness. How strenuously the saints and swamis, buddhas, krishnas and Christs must labor to overcome the restraint of mind and body and to achieve liberation and power. How effortlessly must the spirit soar, what depth and intensity of joy it must experience, once those bonds are loosed.
One thing that is certain is that the world we experience now is illusory. Not just the science of spirit, but also physical science, has established that fact. We see solidity where there is mostly emptiness; matter where there is only energy; separateness where there is only the underlying unity of the universal spirit, the Unified Field. We organize the world around us into the appearance of discrete objects because of the limitations of our senses. How can we believe that they are more than convenient icons that will vanish -- or rather, whose artificiality will be exposed -- once those limitations are transcended?
So, while I felt deep sympathy for the physical suffering that accompanied our loved one's transition, and I will mourn his passing for my sake and others', I do not pity him. He has done what he came here to do; it is now time for him to reawaken from the shadowy dream he shared with us awhile. When we too have accomplished our purpose in this life, may we have the wisdom to know it is our time to return to closer communion with the loving warmth of Spirit that is genuine Life. Then may we also have the strength to release our clinging hold on materiality, and fall trustingly into the loving, welcoming, comforting embrace of God.
The student looked puzzled. “I told you – he insulted me directly to my face. Then he told the same story to my friends – he used my name.”
“Were these things that he said true?”
“No – of course not. That’s why I am angry at him.”
The teacher smiled. “Sometimes it upsets us more to hear the truth about ourselves than to hear falsehoods. And sometimes another person gives voice to what we secretly fear is true about ourselves. That may be the most upsetting of all.”
“But if these things that were said are not true, then they cannot have been said about you. This person is trying to create another you that is false, to deceive your friends and even you yourself, into accepting this artificial creature as you.”
“If you and your friends are deceived at all by this ruse, it can only be because you are not convinced of its falsity. This happens because your ego is aware that it too is a fabrication. If you identify with your ego, then you must think of yourself as something that can be created or destroyed. If your friends see only the ego you project – or whatever parts of their own egos they have projected upon you – then they may be as likely to believe in the new projection as in the old.”
“However, if you know yourself as a faultless manifestation of the divine, then you cannot be fooled by falsehoods constructed by your ego or another’s. Moreover, if you allow the true light of Spirit to shine into the world through your being, no one who is capable of seeing the truth will believe that you are possessed by depravity or evil.”
“Falsehood cannot exist in the presence of truth. The remedy for any pain you feel when someone tells lies about you is to stop believing lies about yourself. You are a perfect child of God, and nothing can change that. If you will only align your perception with that truth, you will not be troubled when other egos seek to pull you into the web of their suffering by projecting their own faults upon you.”
“Nor will you be concerned that others may believe empty falsehoods about you. Emptiness multiplied a thousand times is still empty. But if you truly know yourself, those around you will not be able to ignore the brilliance such knowledge brings to your soul; they will be as aware of your perfection as you are.”
"Finally, if you know who you truly are, there is no way you can be troubled by falsehoods that are spoken about you. When you hear something that triggers the beginning of resentment in you, remind yourself of its emptiness and your peace will be restored."
If you would have peace, do only good.
I do only good.
I desire only good.
I release all desires that are unworthy of a child of God.
It seems at first that I am setting an impossible goal for myself. The body and mind have desires that do not promote peace and compassion. Those desires are deeply seated and may never go away.
All I ask of myself, however, is to release any attachment to those desires, and any misconception that appeasing them will bring me greater peace. Those desires create inner turmoil, and attempting to satisfy them would only make the problem worse. The body and mind do not crave happiness, but only distraction. Obeying their desires would not bring happiness, even though they insist that it would. Moreover, it would cause a conflict within me and drive me farther away from peace, not bring me closer.
I do not condemn these desires; on the contrary, I bless and forgive them. But I understand deeply that inner harmony can only be achieved by adopting the good as my only purpose, and acting only in ways that will do no harm to myself or others.
Right thought, right action consist not of suppressing unworthy desires, but of contemplating and understanding them fully. Once the true effect of satisfying them is understood, they lose their attraction. Then it is easy to release them. In fact, releasing them becomes the only natural course of action.
It is not always clear which desires are worthy and accord with the good. The true test in any case is whether acting on a desire will increase the kindness, goodness and compassion in the world, or will bring unkindness, hurt, and unhappiness. You cannot answer that question without understanding your desires completely.
Once you have felt the inner peace that comes from acting for good, as well as the dis-ease that flows from acting otherwise, it becomes easy to act only for good. This is true so long as you remain mindful of your intentions, your actions, and their likely consequences.
Logic and Truth
The Teacher smiled and said:
"From this day forward may you sustain one another on the Path."
"May each of you draw strength from the other when you are weak and tired, and each be a fountain of energy for the other when you are strong."
"When one of you loses the Way, and begins to wander, may the other offer a loving, guiding hand."
"If one loses confidence, let the other offer reassurance."
"If one falls into the darkness of self-hatred, let the other be a beacon of revitalizing love."
"May you find that peace and compassion are more readily accessible together than they ever were when you were apart."
"May your love grow unselfishly to encompass all beings, physical and energetic."
"May you jointly cast your light outward to illuminate the Path for others."
"May you each better understand your perfection as a child of God through the loving eyes of the other."
"Finally, may you realize there is no blessing greater than the one you bestow upon yourselves through continuously strengthening your practice, and your union with Spirit."
"And so it is."
Two students brought their infant to the Teacher and asked, "What blessing should we offer for this child?"
The Teacher answered:
"Gather your friends and family, and say together these words:
"You are not alone.
"When the night is dark, we will be there.
"When the road is rough and narrow, we will be there.
"On stormy days, we will be your shelter.
"On sunny days, we will be your shade.
"The Light that shines upon us all will be your guide.
"The Spirit that unites us all will bind you to us.
"May you wander far and know that we are with you.
"And may your wanderings bring you home,
"Full of wisdom, full of strength,
"And full of love to share."
"And so it is."
A Christmas Grace
Bless this food, and all the living energy that brings it to this table for our nourishment and joy.
Bless this celebration of the God that is manifest in us.
And bless us all, in the knowledge that we are one with Spirit, with each other, and with all the vibrant energy of the perpetual Now.
And so it is.
Enduring criticism
If a person is willing to endure that conflict, then he or she has taken the first step on the road to fulfillment and peace. The outward repudiation and denial of the truth is a sign that the inner struggle has begun. Why waste the time to deny what you claim is nonsense, unless there is something within you that responds warmly to it? The only way to separate your true feelings from those that have imposed themselves upon you is to allow both to surface. This will bring discomfort and even pain, but it is the only path out of dis-ease into enlightenment. If you allow truth and falsehood to wrestle for control of your spirit, truth will eventually win because it is strong while falsehood is weak and empty. You can perpetuate the conflict by attempting to suppress it, or you can hasten its joyous conclusion by making it the focus of prayer and meditation. Peace is always within your grasp, and with peace comes indescribable bliss.
Affirmation – The Covenant
I keep this covenant by dismissing all selfishness, all jealousy, and all rancor. The body and the thinking mind urge me to take advantage of the open givingness that my love engenders in the world around me. They want me to hoard the joy the Universe freely offers me, to gather it unto myself and shield it from others. They do not know that love and joy exist only in the measure that they are shared. Any happiness that I take away from another being is a subtraction from my own; any love that I withhold evaporates from my being. I pursue only those pleasures that promote the ease and happiness of all.
My love is innocent and untarnished. Its light surrounds me; my aura is enhanced by it. Those I meet respond to its warmth in kind. My covenant extends to every other soul, to keep this purity intact. I wear visibly the knowledge that all is safe, that the Universe is good, that each of us is God’s perfect child; and everyone I meet is warmed and reassured by it. I draw in the boundless loving energy of Spirit, cleansing and renewing my physical and energetic selves. With the miraculous power of my energetic self I return to the Universe more cleansing energy than I absorbed.
And so it is.
Positive Focus
Why does energy healing work?
Science has proven beyond contradiction that the world which we perceive through our senses is not the ultimate reality. What we see as solid objects are mostly space; what we suppose to be matter and energy are simply two different ways of looking at the same phenomena; and so on. As illustrated in the popular indie film "What the Bleep do we Know Anyway", there is a startling convergence underway between the cutting edges of physics and spirituality, both of which now accept at least the hypothesis that the Universe is a single unified field of energy.
Our bodies are designed to perceive this energy field in certain ways, and the collective consciousness of all beings on Earth over its history has interpreted and organized those perceptions into the material objects, sounds, and other sensations that we agree that we perceive all around us. This consensus interpretation -- by which we assign attributes such as solidity, color, etc. to the collections of energy that we call objects -- is what I refer to as metaphor. I would use the term myth to describe the various interpretations that we adopt to explain how the Universe functions and how it came to be the way that it is. Each of us has our personal mythology which determines the methods by which we seek to implement our intention to make changes in the Universe around us -- to redefine the metaphors, if you will.
I should also explain my reference to intention. Intention is the tool by which our individual consciousnesses transfer to the universal consciousness the changes that we wish to perceive in the Universe. Pranic Healing and reiki "work" because the practitioner intends them to and is able, through innate ability or through practice, to focus that intention sufficiently that the Universe understands and translates the intention into action.
I have likened individual consciousness to an eddy in the universal energy field. Because the field is universal, what happens anwhere in it affects what happens anywhere else. Gravity is a physical example; the movement of a pebble on Earth has a mathematically describable effect on the motions of distant galaxies. Drop that pebble into the ocean in California, and the ripples will reach Japan. Intention extends the effects of individual consciousness beyond the individual into the surrounding energy field. This happens constantly, but the ability to produce focused results usually requires practice and training.
Creating your physical health
Religious Science (along with other schools of New Thought) teaches that the Universe sends you what you expect. By treating my body as a seed bed for disease, and predicting the growth of illness in it, I was inviting the creative principle to send me just that.
I no longer allow myself to predict that my body will become ill. I am still mindful of my physical condition; in fact, more mindful than ever. But if I feel a twinge in my body or a tingle in my nose, I do not create in my mind a course of predicted negative consequences for the compliant but neutral creative principle to fulfill. I may acknowledge the possibility that a virus has crept into my body and increase my intake of vitamins or zinc. But I also adopt the view that the twinge or the tingle will go away, and will not return along with more severe symptoms. I predict that my body will remain healthy, and more often than not, it does.
Of course, I don't believe that I have a permanent shield of immunity from all disease or other adverse physical conditions. One of the greatest students of energy healing alive today, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, has been severely ill with pneumonia twice in the last few years. I am sure he thinks of himself as a healthy person, but perhaps he did not live his life consistently with that belief, because of his constant travel and teaching schedule. He has now announced that he is taking a sabbatical, and I wish him a full recovery and many more years of blessed productivity.
While the Universe tends to deliver what you expect, there is always the chance that a negative condition will slip through. You can demonstrate your belief in, and help ensure the manifestation of, your expectations by living the life of a healthy person, with good food, exercise, sleep, and moderate behavior; as well as regular medical checkups and medical treatment for any physical ailments that do arise.
Since negative conditions arise in the energetic body before they manifest in the physical, it can also be helpful to perform regular hygienic cleansing of the energetic body in the manner described in the followin post (immediately above). Whatever practices you adopt, do not forget to offer thanks to God for the health that you possess, and pray for the blessing of health to be bestowed upon all others.
And so it is.
The Mind's Self-Importance
The mind is like a computer that programs itself into an endless loop. It creates problems so that it can divert attention to itself as the supposed sole source for resolving those problems. It is only necessary to step back into the point of view of Spirit to see such issues as mere word games. Spirit has no need of words, and is not troubled by verbal paradoxes. Spirit is aware already that mind is a limited tool, and is no more than amused when mind points to itself and says, "See how important I am, I have created a problem even I cannot solve!" Spirit is aware that problems do not exist until they are created by mind.
If you find yourself asking, "What am I if I am not my mind?" you are in a state of unconsciousness. This is where meditation comes in. Once a person falls into unconsciousness, it is only through meditation that Spirit can become conscious of itself again. When the mind is still -- or when you can detach your awareness from mind -- and you realize that what is essentially you exists as the observer, then you will have the answer to the question.
The Body
Of course, it is absurd to believe that the body is not a part of the physical Universe. Clearly it is subject to the laws of physics and chemistry like all other material things. I never had trouble understanding the application of physical laws to other humans, animals, and plants; yet somehow my ego managed to cling emotionally to the notion that this body is "special" and "me".
Identification with the body no doubt has many consequences. I may believe that I can bring fulfillment to myself by gratifying the body. Conversely, if I have feelings of dislike toward myself, I may seek to punish the body. Most importantly, I may identify with the ego, that mental construct that is attached to the body yet uniquely capable of self-dislike.
Because my body is part of Nature, I owe it the same respect and love that I feel for the rest of the Universe. God is in Nature, and It is in me.
Meditation is not meant to connect my individuality with God, but to re-unite Spirit with itself by stilling the noise of thought and allowing the fundamental unity to emerge.
Resistance and Surrender
Resistance blinds me to values and priorities.
Resistance sometimes takes the form of being distracted by trivial things or even by other worthwhile activities.
Surrender is necessary in order to see clearly. When I see clearly, proactivity happens. My natural inclination is to do right things.
No Limitations
Then, accept that this greater presence is also yourself, and that the only limitations on you are those that you allow.
I Forgive the Past
I release the past.
I am nothing but what I am;
Everything has happened as it should.
I love my life.
I live in the Now.
Everything I have done,
And everything I have created around me,
Has been for the purpose of bringing me here and now.
This is the best place I can be,
This is the only place I can be.
I love this world and everything in it.
I am satisfied with myself.
I am growing stronger, happier and closer to God every day.
Bathed in the warmth of Spirit, I am blissful and at peace.
God gives me everything I need, and everything I truly want.
Prosperity is now my intention.
Abundance is now my intention.
I am God's perfect, unique child.
I am loved.
I am appreciated.
I fill my space with love.
And so it is.
I am thankful for the love of those who are close to me, whether they are physically near or far away, and whether they are in this life or the next.
I am thankful for the prosperity that Spirit gives, and the secure knowledge that all my needs are provided for.
I am thankful for personal liberty, and the way freedom is manifest in this time and place. I am mindful of the sacrifices others have made to preserve and protect it.
I am thankful for the awareness of my connection through Spirit with all beings, and for the feeling of love that unites all souls.
I reach out in compassion to those of my brothers and sisters who are lost in separation, in pain, or in grief; who are beset by sorrow, anger, or fear. I pray that their connection with Spirit may be restored, and that they may rediscover that peace, love, and joy are all that exist.
Sadness is a sign that I need to reconnect with the God within.
Sadness is what I feel when the perfect unfolding of the Universe is hidden from my sight for a time.
Sadness comes when I forget that all souls are one, throughout eternity, and that physical separation does not diminish that Unity.
Sadness affects me when I passively observe the suffering and separation of others, rather than offering them my joy.
Sadness is what I feel when I forget the power of prayer.
Wisdom and Need
I am given wisdom in accordance with my need. As long as I am a Teacher, my need is great. If I were a hermit, I would have no great need of wisdom, and little would be given to me. I am grateful for the calling that keeps me among people and allows me to drink so deeply of the well of wisdom that is Spirit.
Cherish Every Person
It follows also that I am God's messenger to everyone I meet. I try to be mindful of this mission and to act accordingly.
I offered my life to God
And God entrusted it back,
Saying this is precious to me;
Use it for the good of all my children.
Shine its light in dark corners
And let my love be manifest through it.
You are my steward,
All my power is at your command.
Take my Word into the world
And spread the Truth of my abundant Love
Monday, January 15, 2007
How To Treat Enemies
How should I behave toward my enemies, or in other words, people that our out ONLY to harm me?
The Teacher replied:
I can't improve on the advice Jesus gave, which is to love your enemies, which really means to have no enemies. If unconditional love is the center of your being, that is something no one can harm or touch.
I believe that our purpose in life is to be happy and to teach others by example how to be happy. When someone tries to harm you and discovers that your happiness is unassailable, he may cease hating you and try to emulate you. People who set out to harm others are very unhappy people themselves. They live in a state of unconsciousness toward Spirit. The unhappiness that dominates their minds seeks to perpetuate itself by spreading unhappiness to others. It is a universal law that what a person sends into the world will come back to him or her. The unhappy mind knows this and seeks to bolster its own unhappiness by making those around it unhappy also.
If a person seems to be actively seeking to spread unhappiness, it is possible that the Spirit within that person is trying to break through the shell of unconsciousness in which it is confined. This drives the unhappy mind to greater efforts to contain Spirit, because it fears that Spirit will destroy it. Yet it is not necessary to destroy it, because it does not exist; it is mere darkness that will ultimately be dispelled by the emrgence of Light. This process may take more than one lifetime. However, you can help by shining the Light of your own unconditional love upon that person. Even if the effect on him or her is not perceptible, you may cause the shell that binds that person's Spirit to begin to dissolve; and in the meantime, you will have done no harm to yourself.
Moving Day
A Life Free Of Regret
There are three things needed for a life free of regret.
One is to be mindful of your thoughts and actions and do only good to the best of your ability.
The second is to focus on the good in every course of action.
The third is to forgive yourself continuously and completely.
Chakra Cleansing and Balancing Exercise
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Home Sweet Home
The Christmas Promise
An early post in this blog was A Hymn For The Season . I reproduce the post here, and dedicate it to all who are facing life's challen...
An early post in this blog was A Hymn For The Season . I reproduce the post here, and dedicate it to all who are facing life's challen...
Sages of many religions have adopted the phrase "Christ Consciousness" to describe the presence of God in all of us. In that spir...
There is a part of each of us that is mortal, and a part that is immortal. The body is mortal. It will die sooner or later, and its elements...