Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Hymn For The Season

Sages of many religions have adopted the phrase "Christ Consciousness" to describe the presence of God in all of us. In that spirit, I offer this hymn for the holiday season.

At this time of celebration, I rejoice in the blessings we all share, that are symbolized by the coming of the Christ into this world.

I celebrate the endless birth of Joy in the world and in my heart.

I celebrate the promise of forgiveness.

I celebrate the all-encompassing Love that surpasses our power to understand.

I celebrate the Oneness of all beings in Spirit.

I celebrate the power of Light to triumph over darkness.

I celebrate the immortal Soul that denies the reality of death.

I declare that Christ Consciousness shines in me and in all beings.

I declare that all beings shall unite in Love in this world and all others.

I declare that Peace glows in every heart.

I proclaim the dominion of Love and Light, and banish darkness and hatred from my Universe.

I proclaim the sovereignty of God's healing power.

I gratefully acknowledge these and many other blessings, which I accept on behalf of all beings.

And so it is.


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The Christmas Promise

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