Saturday, June 6, 2009

Let Every Thought Include a Blessing

Never forget that mind is a tool to be used lovingly. If you do not use it lovingly, then ego will use mind for its own purposes. There is no time of day or night - whether you are working, meditating or playing, interacting with others or alone, that your experience cannot include love. One way to accomplish this is to let every thought include a blessing. If you are thinking of another person or group of people, bless that person or group. It does not matter whether these people are close to you, think kindly of you, or even know you. It is your own role in bringing love into manifestation that concerns you. If you think of an animal or an inanimate object, bless that also. If your thoughts are abstract and metaphysical, bless those concepts that flow through your consciousness. You may find yourself blessing people whose actions seem the very antithesis of love; or ideas that seem dangerous and evil. You may bless diseases and unhealthy spiritual conditions. Your goal is not to promote unloving actions or ideas, nor even to change them, but simply to bring the light of spiritual love to bear on them. They may change or even vanish, not because of your intention, but rather because their illusory nature cannot stand up to the abiding Truth that is Love. Shining light into darkness exposes the insubstantiality of darkness and the power of light. This is simply your perception of a natural law that always existed. There never was evil, or hatred, or disease; these were merely phantoms awaiting the light to dispel them.

For the last week or so I have had The Prayer of St Francis running through my head almost constantly. I was reminded of it again when I heard of Ron Roth's transition; and when I re-read Joel Goldsmith's The Art of Spiritual Healing. Each of these teachers emphasizes that we serve Spirit best when we acknowledge its power and stand out of the way. It is not our blessings that we shower upon the just and the unjust, but the blessing of Spirit to which we offer ourselves as willing instruments. If we seek to heal, then we must open ourselves as channels through which Love can flow into the manifest world. This is not meant to be a passive approach, but only the acknowledgment that without Spirit we are powerless. As instruments of Spirit, however, we can participate in the manifestation of profound goodness and the operation of boundless Love.

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