Saturday, November 26, 2016

Mindfully replace fear with Love

Fear is a dominant force among us today. Partly this is due to the inherent uncertainty of events and our inability to control them. A great deal of ambient fear is also generated by the many media sources that bombard us constantly. Those sources must attract our attention in order to survive. Media do not hesitate to focus on negativity, or to exaggerate and even fabricate their stories of imminent danger. They have learned that fear, and the negative emotions such as hatred that it engenders, are powerful magnets to our egos. Ego thrives on fear and negative emotions; they reinforce its paranoia and support its demand for our exclusive attention. In many ways, the media are the voices of ego. 

We live in an environment of instant communication and constant exposure to the agendas of others.  That environment insists that we respond, and we may develop the habit of reacting immediately to every stimulus. This means that our reactions are not thought out, but are based on  irrational latent fears, prejudice, or the infectious fears of other people.  As a result, we say things we later wish we could take back, and do things we never should have done. We are easily manipulated by fear to lose our grip on truth, on our values, and on spiritual wisdom.

To cope with fear, mindfulness is essential. First, we must be mindful of ego's agenda, which is not to protect us, but to aggrandize itself. In pursuit of that goal, ego will create exaggerated scenarios in an attempt to paralyze us with fear. We must learn to recognize ego's influence in our thoughts, and to dismiss it as much as we are able. What we cannot dismiss, we must learn to contemplate calmly and rationally. Fear is a primitive mechanism designed to trigger a fight or flight response to physical danger. It may serve a useful purpose in calling our attention to social or emotional threats, but once it has done so, fear must be set aside so that we can calmly and mindfully consider, plan, and execute ways to deal with those matters in light of our fundamental values and beliefs.

How can we set fear aside? Ego has a lifetime of experience in monopolizing our attention. By its nature, fear grips us tightly. Mindfulness can help loosen that grip. Ways mindfulness can help include:

  • Keeping in mind our core values, and restraining ego's exaggeration of danger;
  • Recognizing that nothing outside ourselves can disrupt our secure connection with Spirit, our Source of love, security, joy, and strength;
  • Resisting calls to panic and maintaining a calm, thoughtful attitude that will inspire others to do the same;
  • Not accepting every unsupported assertion as fact; 
  • Recognizing and shutting off knee-jerk reactions;
  • Pausing to consider before reacting;
  • Seeking first to understand, rather than to be understood.

Meditation is very helpful in developing mindfulness. It helps us to focus and to see clearly. It reminds us we are not ego, and that the thinking mind is merely a tool that can be used for good or can cause great harm. It maintains our inspirational connection to the Source of Love, the sole basis for right action.

Mindfulness is a skill, and requires practice. With enough practice, it becomes a habit. As a habit, it can replace the habit of reacting in a knee-jerk fashion to fearful stimuli arising in the environment, or created by ego. It can be the mechanism by which we teach ourselves to act - or refrain from acting - out of Love, not fear.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


My email inbox attracts lots of messages that I don't want or need. Most of it is from people or websites that I may have visited once, or from online vendors I have patronized in the past. Periodically, in order to prevent these unsolicited messages from flooding my mailbox and overwhelming the few that I actually want to read, I go through and click on the tiny "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the message. In that way I am able to reduce the distracting clutter and focus on the messages that are really important.

Life these days is a lot like my email inbox. I am constantly bombarded by messages from people I may know slightly, or from people I don't recall ever knowing, wanting my attention for their political cause, their candidate, their product or service, or their particular approach to spirituality and healing. These messages come over the television, on the phone, in newspapers and magazines, and of course over the Internet in emails or popup ads. 

In addition to external messages, I hear ego's many voices calling on me to be concerned about this or that perceived problem, or so-and-so's personal attitude. Ego whispers in my ear that I can't rest until I have solved the problem or dealt with the interpersonal situation in a way that gratifies ego's need for protection and self-aggrandizement. 

Just as I need to periodically cleanse my inbox, I realize now that I can perform a similar cleansing on my personal space. While I can't stop people from broadcasting their appeals, or ego from nagging, I can manage my own attention so as to minimize the effect of these distracting voices. By the following affirmations, I renounce giving any attention to things that would distract me or divert me from the Path of Love and Joy. I invite others to add their own suggestions:

  • I renounce the need to judge the thoughts, speech, actions, or beliefs of others, however different they may be from my own. I affirm my own commitment to express Love and Joy in all that I say or do.
  • I renounce the need to worry about my health or that of my loved ones. I affirm that the Universe will restore any temporary physical imbalance in its own time and its own way.
  • I renounce the need to be concerned about the financial security of my family. I affirm that all our needs will be provided for and that we will have the opportunity to earn a generous living.
  • I renounce any belief that the key to happiness lies outside my own heart and mind. I affirm that the source of Joy and Love is within me and is accessible at all times, and in all places.
And so it is.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Love Is Still the Answer

A friend asks, "Why haven't we as a society made more spiritual progress?" There are at least two ways of interpreting current events in light of that question, but to begin with the more obvious one, our progress can't be measured by the things we see in the news - lives and property damaged or destroyed, hateful messages and deeds - but by the extent to which our (individual and societal) response is sourced in love and compassion rather than violence and hatred. By that measure it may well be that we as a society haven't progressed since we baby boomers were young adults, or indeed have regressed, but we must look beyond the news to find out. Each of us is responsible to look into our own soul and ask whether we are contributing to the problem or to the solution through the energies we resonate to and broadcast. If we collectively have not raised the level of our energy, our vibration, beyond the negativity that ego generates, then we cannot expect love and compassion to manifest in our world. The necessary response from people of good will is not to despair, but to redouble the effort to broadcast love and forsake hatred. This is an imperative for individuals, but it must also become a goal of society that is implemented in the ways we relate to ourselves and others and, above all, the ways we teach our children. This is not a goal for a day, a year, or an individual lifetime, but for the future of life on this planet.

There is a sense in the spiritual community that a wave of compassionate connection is sweeping across our society. This is not because spiritual people don't read the papers, but because their awareness reaches the deeper level of the collective soul. If indeed the imperative to "choose love" is taking root and spreading, then it is predictable that the collective ego will react violently to prevent it. This leads to the second interpretation mentioned above, which is that an upturn in the level of violence actually is a positive sign because it shows that the forces of hatred are threatened by the increasing influence of compassionate teachings, and are reacting in ways calculated to generate anger and violence. 

I'm not a big fan of apocalyptic good versus evil theories, nor do I believe that there is a devil or some other intelligence behind the swing toward xenophobia and hatred in some areas of popular culture. The knowledge that each individual has an ego that will fight desperately to protect its grip on individual consciousness is sufficient to explain the mass effects of many egos pulling in the same direction. But I do choose to believe that an increase in violence is at the very least not inconsistent with the spreading influence of love and compassion (as, for example, racial or gender-based violence can be triggered by new expressions of societal commitment to racial or gender equality). 

For this reason, I encourage you not to despair, to stay the course, teach love and compassion, and make the effort to cultivate the lotus that grows from the garbage heap. If we allow ourselves to be guided by our own egoic impulses rather than the teachings of Spirit, we can't expect better from others or from society.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Recognizing guidance

There are inflection points in life where individuals become aware of the many messages of support and guidance that the Universe sends them. Those messages are always there. What makes them stand out in one's experience is that they seem responsive to the internal questioning that is rising closer to the surface of consciousness. Uncertainty and meditation in combination attract guidance. This is an interactive phenomenon between the individual consciousness and Spirit. Since individual consciousness is only an imperfect manifestation of Spirit, one could see this as Spirit refining consciousness to be more in alignment with itself. Uncertainty is only a surface condition; the Spirit within always knows the correct course to follow. What is necessary is to bring this knowledge to the light of everyday awareness so that it can guide action. When the clouds of uncertainty begin to dispel, like the calming of ripples on the surface of a clear pool, the Spirit within recognizes its manifestation on the other side of the looking glass and draws to itself the guidance it has formulated for itself in the words of other individuals. Spirit knows just which guidance to pick out of the stream of information flowing around and above it. So it is when you read something that speaks directly to your present condition: it seems as though the Universe has sent this guidance to you, when in fact it is Spirit within that has recognized the concrete truth that crystallizes its own inchoate longing. This is the formula: meditate, wait patiently, examine all the guidance that is offered, recognize that which is right for this moment, and then act.

Spiritual growth

Our individual spiritual development is a continuous process. Religion, atheism, philosophy - these are not disconnected points between which we randomly jump. We are embedded in a continuum and each phase in our awareness prepares us for the next. Every belief system contains some learning, some truth that contributes to the emergence of the next. An atheist may believe she has completely rejected religion, but really she has rejected only the outer forms of religion. The internal seeking that led her to adopt religion is the same pattern that led her to reject it. 

Everyone has access to wisdom deep within.  Each of us is looking for a system that expresses that wisdom in a way that speaks to us. When we adopt a new set of beliefs, we are visualizing ourselves against a new background, but our fundamental nature doesn't change. Our perception evolves, but that which we seek to perceive is eternal and immutable. Truth is holographic, and the more perspectives we gain, the closer we come to understanding it holistically. Every experience of Spirit brings us closer to that perception, until eventually - for those who are aware - we see ourselves Incorporated in Truth and Truth embodied in us. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers Day

Today is a good day to celebrate the Divine Feminine principle, the current of Love that runs through our Universe and infuses it with purpose. Through this principle Spirit manifests as the loving energy that connects all beings in harmony. She is worshipped in many religions, as Devi, and Shakti, the Goddess, Kuan Yin, Mary, and under many other names. She embodies the highest aspirations of the human Spirit. As Mother, she is the giver of Life and the nurturer expressed in each of us at our best. As Sister, she is the source of power and of the energy that sustains and drives us. Without her our souls are drab and barren. As she manifests within beings of any gender, she completes us.

To meditate upon the Divine Feminine, chant a mantra or simply visualize  being suspended in the warmth and security of the loving womb of the Universe. 

Many mantras can be found on YouTube, including

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Simplicity In Healing

I have always felt intuitively that one measure of the authenticity of a spiritual experience is its simplicity. Spontaneous Beauty wrote several years ago that "Spirituality is not complex. What could be simpler than Oneness? It is the elaborate visions constructed by Mind to distract Spirit that are complex."

Religions are good examples of this. Nearly every religion began when a simple person of faith experienced Oneness with God (or Spirit). That person sought to share the great gift with others, who became disciples. Eventually the message attracted so many followers that institutions arose, and those institutions promulgated dogmas that then had to be defended against heresy. As the institutions drifted away from their simple origins, egos stepped in to demand the elaboration of doctrines and rituals that were designed to concentrate and maintain power in those holding positions of control. Sadly, a religion is defined at least as much by the beliefs and practices that it rejects, as by those it accepts.

I am attracted to Reiki by its simplicity. Administering Reiki to a subject requires only that the practitioner accept their connection to the Source of all energies, and direct the flow of healing energy to the subject. No rituals, incense, crystals, or special music are required, although most practitioners do use one or more of those to facilitate the exercise of healing intention. There is no need to identify different grades or flavors of healing energy; Reiki is simply Reiki. Reiki does not come in colors or intensities. Nor does the practitioner need to direct the energy to the part of the subject's body that requires healing. Reiki will seek out and remedy any imperfections that have erroneously manifested in the body. There are no Reiki incantations or prayers, other than the simple invocation of Spirit to share its healing power. A Reiki practitioner does not even need to touch the body of the subject to infuse the healing energies. The sole element of Reiki that can be regarded as ritualized is the use of Reiki symbols, but I have never regarded the symbols as necessary or as anything more than helpful guides to express the healer's intention.

There are other schools of energy healing that do classify energies according to color, intensity, frequency, or the like. Many make extensive use of crystals, sage, incense, incantations, and other trappings. I believe that whatever assists the healer in focusing and directing healing energy is an appropriate part of the energy treatment. What practitioners need to be wary of, however, is assigning special powers to the trappings themselves. These can never be regarded as more than aids to the only essential elements of healing, which are the healer's sense of oneness with the Divine, and their intention to share that divinity with the subject. No crystal, no incantation, no incense, no color has power in and of itself. The only power in the Universe is Spirit, and Spirit does not allow its power to be limited in such a fashion as to be available only through this or that material device.

Consider the authentic healers of the past. Did Jesus pronounce incantations over those he healed? 

I don't discourage the use of symbols, chants, crystals, or other aids if they help healers to visualize their Divine connection or to pass that connection along to their subjects. However, to the extent the symbols, chants, and crystals themselves are ascribed special powers, the healer is putting separation between him or herself and Spirit. That separation cannot make the healing process more effective; by definition, it can only interfere with the healing action of Spirit. This is why I choose to use such material aids only sparingly, and only in full awareness, and furtherance, of the central role of a direct connection - a Oneness - among Spirit, the subject, and myself.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Spirit and Politics

An audio recording of this blog can be heard at this link.

As readers know, Spontaneous Beauty seeks to be in the world, but not of it.  When it comes to politics, this means to be mindful of current events, but not to be so absorbed in them as to lose touch with Spirit. If we have an earthly persona, we must set it aside when we enter this temple of the soul.  Here we speak only from the higher Self, interpreting as best we can the guidance that comes from Spirit through meditation and contemplation. 

To be frank, Spirit does not concern itself with politics. Spirit's only concerns are love and compassion. While the reader may believe this should tilt Spirit in favor of one political position or another, or one candidate or another, Spontaneous Beauty does not find  this to be the case. Spirit allows its love to flow into and through the entire Universe. Moreover, that flow is not hindered by obstacles in the form of individual personalities that do not consciously accept love or compassion. Spiritual love flows around these obstacles like boulders in the stream, all the while seeking to erode and undermine them until they succumb to its irresistible pressure. Spirit is patient, knowing that all beings come home to it in the end. 

Nor does Spirit find greater comfort in one form of government over another. We must be mindful that our mission in this physical universe is not to create Heaven on Earth, but to connect with Spirit at all times and in all places. Spirit is present in democracies and dictatorships, in freedom and oppression. Circumstances that bring out the worst in some, bring out the best in others. The power of Spirit is often demonstrated most brilliantly where it is challenged. Our task is to accept Spirit into our consciousness regardless of circumstances, but it seems sometimes that Spirit flourishes most in those who are subjected to merciless treatment at the hands of oppressive governments. This is not to say that we should seek out oppression, but only that we should be mindful of the lessons to be learned from it.

Does this mean that those who seek the path of Spirit should acquiesce to political trends that appear antithetical to love and compassion?  It does not. We are called upon to act lovingly in all aspects of our lives, and that includes the choices between political philosophies and candidates. But it does mean that we must follow the compassionate path consistently and without prejudice. Even if government becomes cold and selfish, we must remain loving and compassionate, even redoubling our efforts. We must maintain an attitude of love, not only for those whom society rejects, but for those who lead by appeals to selfishness or hatred.  In other words, we must not be corrupted by the politics of ego to behave in egoic ways.  One has only to think of the examples of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King to understand the meaning of this.  We must not withhold our love and compassion from those who seem to have none, for they are the ones in greatest need.  At the same time, our devotion to Spirit may require us to refuse cooperation with, and to work to resist, negative powers.

Spirit is the only irresistible force in the Universe.  In adverse times it whispers to us, Everything will be alright in the end if you follow me. Assured of the eventual triumph of Spirit, we can endure the depradations of egoic forces even as we work to eliminate them. We can feel compassion for souls oppressed by ego even as we strive to free them from it. The more comfortable we are in that assurance - gained by communion with Spirit in meditation - the greater our equanimity in the face of turmoil. And it is that equanimity, in the end, that will deny ego the victory. Armed with love, we can give the lie to the belief in the power of selfishness and hatred; and a tidal wave of compassion can sweep away the ill-formed foundations of distrust and fear on which ego seeks to build its fortress. 

Spontaneous Beauty believes that even this testing ground of a universe is trending toward greater love and compassion, despite setbacks. It is possible to believe that it is the general, if gradual, increase in the vibrational level of the world that makes the appearance of negative, base vibrations so startling. As much power as hatred and fear wield in the world today, they wielded more in the past. Whether or not Heaven on Earth is attainable, it is still a worthy goal.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Healing Through Oneness

The question many people ask is, why are only some people healers if healing comes from Spirit?  This is a conundrum, but it's helpful to recognize that healing manifests spontaneously in the presence of a deep connection with Spirit.  This is why rishis such as Buddha, Jesus, and others were healers. Anyone who is aware of Spiritual connection can heal. Any disturbance of mind or body is merely the result of separation and misperception. A healer perceives the presence of Spirit at all times and in all places, including the mind and body of the subject. By cleansing both of the accretion of egoic beliefs in separation and illness, the healer removes the false perception and the subject perceives himself or herself as no longer ill.

In order to accept healing, the subject must rid himself or herself of attachments to illness. This is not as easy as it sounds, and all of us find something in illness to become attached to. Some use illness as an excuse, others use it to attract attention. Ego will fight bitterly to protect these privileges, against the notion that healing is merely the release of attachments and acceptance of Oneness.

How many times did Jesus say, "Your faith has made you well"?  By faith, he meant the unconditional acceptance of divine Love. Even he was only the catalyst, it was the subject who healed himself or herself. 

Eventually one has to do away altogether with the concept of the small self as an entity separate from Spirit.  This is what happens temporarily on a Spirit level when Love is accepted unconditionally. Healing is a manifestation of Oneness. In most people it is only momentary, and ego will fight back to re-establish separation. But the teachings say it grows easier with practice to remain in Oneness (samahdi) for longer periods.

The Christmas Promise

An early post in this blog was  A Hymn For The Season .  I reproduce the post here, and dedicate it to all who are facing life's challen...